Documenti ufficiali

Documenti, dichiarazioni, atti ufficiali contro la PAS

– OFICINA COMUN DE  TRAMITACIÓN PENAL – Sentencia Audiencia Provincial  Bizkaia, 256/08

-III Relazione annuale del 2010 contro la violenza di genere del Governo di Spagna,

– Dichiarazione contro la PAS Supreme Court of the State of New York

– Legal Momentum, A guide to Parental Alienation Syndrome, 2006.

Justice For Children urges PAS rejection, reverse lower court’s ruling:

– Linville PAS Brief: Amicus brief filed by Justice for Children in Linville case. Brief was written by the law firm of Haynes and Boone, LLP

– 340574_2 : Brief on Parental Alientation “Syndrome”

– 407425_2 :Is evidence of parental alienation “syndrome” reliable and relevent in child custody cases?

– Parental Alienation “Syndrome”: A Guide for Attorneys or Pro Se Litigants

– PAS Brief